Jamila Winter Mar 22, 2018
Yoga pose with sun rise in background

The Lessons


1. There is always another way

Whatever problem you are facing in life there are the conventional solutions which stick out straight away and then there are the solutions that require you to think outside the box. If you want to find a solution to a seemingly impossible task you need to change the way in which you think about it.

What is the root cause of this issue? Is there another way that it can be fixed? What will happen if I approach it from this perspective?

If you think about the problem the same way you’ve always been thinking about it, you’re going to get the same result you’ve always gotten. Dare to challenge your perspective.


2. Say yes, then figure out how to do it later

Following on from the philosophy of Richard Branson, if someone offers you an amazing opportunity but you’re not sure if you can do it. Say yes, and then learn how to do it later. One of my own personal challenges is learning to step outside of my comfort zone and partaking activities that I’m not entirely sure I can do. But the more I read into personal development and apply those teaching in my own life. The more I understand that you can’t grow until you step outside of your comfort zone.

The truth is, it’s very rare that you walk into a situation knowing all the answers, and this ambiguity can keep you from saying yes to a lot of opportunities. The unknown is nothing to fear, it’s just an opportunity to learn something new. I hope part of this process is learning to believe in yourself and your abilities. If the opportunity excites you, get down into the trenches and get your hands dirty. Knowing, deep down, that you have what it takes to get it done.


3. Ideas worth chasing don’t happen sitting behind a desk.

As much as disciplined daily routines such as what you eat, when you work out and when you clean are imperative to your continued and long term success. Moments of inspiration and creative freedom rarely occurs in a closed room environment. Epiphanies occur when you’re out living in the world. Outside of what is familiar to you and being exposed to new ideas and environments. Success lies in the balancing of your daily routine and knowing when to step out of it.

Recently, I’ve tried to expose myself to a new environment every week – because I see the value. If you would like to expand your knowledge base check out our courses.

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