Jamila Winter Jul 12, 2017
Yoga pose

Have you ever just worked through your lunch? It’s difficult because your body is lacking the energy that you need but the nervous energy is getting you through. By the end of the day you’re beyond exhausted. Then you go ahead and do it all again the next day, for the rest of the week.


"At some point, something's got to give and you don't want that to be your health."


This is not a routine that should be kept consistently over a long period of time. At some point, something’s got to give and you don’t want that to be your health. A mental health day, doesn’t have to be a day off doing nothing. It can be a change of scenery, learning a new skill. If you’re feeling constantly stressed or anxious, here are a few of reasons we think you should take a mental health day.


#1 It helps with stress

Long hours, with demanding to-do lists and short deadlines can make anyone stressed. Compound this day after day and the stress starts to build up. As soon as you start to feel bogged down, this is a good indication that it’s time for you to take some time to yourself or get out of your daily routine. Sometimes a little break or change in routine is all it takes to relieve some stress.


#2 You’ll be more productive when you come back

A break is a chance for your brain to breathe. By taking time to yourself, you’re giving your mind a chance to decompress, allowing space for creativity to flow. By the time you come back to work you’ll not only be ready to tackle more challenges you’ll be asking for them. This doesn't mean you have to go to the beach, it can include putting your hand up  to attend a self-development course. Upskilling means not only becoming more efficient at work but less stress at work will lead to being more relaxed at home.


Getting away from the routine of your day job and daily distractions can be just as relaxing and provide a shift in your perspective the same way that a day at home can. See a list of our courses here.


#3 You can finally tackle your to – do list

No, not the one currently sitting on your desk. Your personal to do- list. The one you never get to but always bugs you when you see that it’s not done at home.

Take time to clear your personal space, so there is nothing bugging you in the back of your mind, allowing you to focus on more important goals.



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