Jamila Winter Dec 12, 2017
Brainstorming session

The advice

Reaching success doesn’t just depend on your skills and abilities. It also depends on getting your head in the game. Here's some important career advice to get your head in the game.

1. Use your negative feedback

Some may laugh at your ideas and others may simply place it at the bottom of their agenda. Whatever the specifics and whatever the industry, people that doubt you are going to be a reality. Take the good from what others say, critically reassess and then turn it around to make it your own. You just have to make the choice to do it.


2. Use your voice

As a millennial or as some new to a job, inexperience may make you hesitant or even stop you from speaking up. You even might believe that others have “earned” it more and therefore their opinion and the right to speak up is more valuable than yours. However, although their wisdom may mean they make some better decisions in the long run, no one else can think like you or have your distinct perspective on the world. In that sense, you shouldn’t automatically dismiss the value of what you have to add in favour of anybody else or consider yourself to be inconsequential.


3. Dare to be uncomfortable sometimes

Predictability is great when you are consistently moving towards a goal you have already set out. However, it doesn’t help when you’re trying to break your boundaries and move up the ladder. If you never deviate from your norm and take a risk, you’re not going to grow. And if you don’t grow you won’t have fully experienced everything that life has to offer. Trying new things gives you a more rounded, holistic perspective on the world and your potential.


4. Learn to say no

“If you don’t have the power of focus then you are doomed to a life of distraction.”

One of the most important qualities for a successful career is to learn how to prioritise and this means saying no, a lot. If you don't learn how to say no to the things which are not going to add value, your goal is going to take twice as long to achieve, if you even  achieve it at all. The idea is to choose what you want to do and get those things done. Instead of trying to do it all, simply try to do it right.

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