Privacy Collection Statement - Marketing

Privacy Collection Statement - Marketing

Excel Consulting Solutions Pty Ltd T/A Nexacu (ABN 88 600 429 212) and its related bodies corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Nexacu, we, us and our) collects personal information from you to:

  • process your request to receive newsletters and information about Nexacu;
  • provide administrative and service functions, including responding to your enquiry about our services;
  • offer you content or products and services that may be of interest to you; and
  • provide you with direct marketing communications from us (using direct mail, telemarketing, email, SMS or MMS messaging).

By interacting with Nexacu – for example, by creating an account, booking a course, or subscribing to our services – you are providing your consent for us to use your information for marketing purposes. You can interact with us anonymously or using a pseudonym. If you choose not to identify yourself, we will be unable to send you personalised direct marketing communications.

In some instances we may collect personal information from you which is unsolicited. To the extent reasonable, we will delete or de-identify any unsolicited personal information.

We may disclose your personal information to our related entities; our third party service providers who assist us in providing our products and services to you (such as marketing service providers, IT service providers, contractors and sales consultants or payment service providers) and other organisations covered in our Privacy Policy. Nexacu’s related bodies corporate or service providers outside of Australia. You consent to your information being disclosed to a destination outside Australia for this purpose, including but not limited to the United States of America, European Union and New Zealand and you understand and acknowledge that Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 will not apply to such disclosures of your personal information.

Our Privacy Policy sets out how you can access and correct any of your personal information and how you can make a complaint if we have not complied with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) when handling your personal information. To the extent it is necessary, you give your voluntary express consent to Nexacu collecting, using, storing, disclosing and disposing of your personal information in this manner.

You can access our Privacy Policy here, contact us at [email protected] or write to us at Customer Service, Level 8, 201 Charlotte Street, Brisbane QLD 4000. Please address your correspondence to the attention of our privacy officer.

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