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Course Series Digital Badge

Nexacu now offer a verified digital badge to all students who complete a full course series. Demonstrate your commitment to continued learning and upskilling in a digital workplace. Build your professional profile and display your verified achievement with a Credly issued badge. 

Our series completion badges are available across our course offerings.
Upskill and share your achievement!

Course Series Digital Badge

Complete your course pathway and earn your Digital Badge. Upskill and share your achievement.

How to Get Your Badge

To earn your series badge, simply complete a full suite of courses. A full suite of courses includes the beginner through to advanced courses is any given category. Once you have sat your final course you will be eligible to claim your Digital Credential.

All of our courses at Nexacu are instructor-led. Students can join any of our classes in person, in cities across Australia or choose to attend remotely. Whether basic or advanced, each class involves a lot of hands-on learning. Engage with your instructor, ask questions and build your knowledge.

o365 progression
Our series badges, are awarded to students who have completed a full suite of courses and thereby demonstrated a commitment to upskilling and empowering themselves to achieve more with technology.  

365 progression
excel progression

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