Microsoft PowerPoint Training
Learn to create professional presentations with PowerPoint.
All courses are available in-person or remotely.
To attend remotely, select "Remote East" or "Remote West" as your location on book now.
Learn how to use PowerPoint with our short one-day courses, running in CBD locations across Australia. Check out our scheduled classes & see which level is right for you. Above all, the skills we teach you in our Microsoft PowerPoint training courses will equip you with all you need to create smart effective presentations.
Microsoft PowerPoint Training

Learn to create professional presentations with PowerPoint. Courses available in-class and remotely.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Remote Training?
Remote training at Nexacu means our experienced trainers will deliver your training virtually. With remote learning, students can access our usual classroom training courses via video conferencing, ask questions, participate in the discussion and share their screen with the trainer if they need help at any point in the course. Students have the same level of participation and access to the trainer as they would in classroom training sessions.
Which courses are available if I am working from home?
Currently, all of our Public Courses are available to be delivered remotely. Book any course as Remote East or Remote West and you will receive login details and instructions the evening before your course.
I previously attended a course with Excel Consulting, will the training be similar?
Yes, we rebranded from Excel Consulting in October 2019. The business quickly outgrew its original name. Our new brand Nexacu better reflects our direction, continued innovation and commitment to delivering next-level learning. We have always refined and continue to update our courses but retain our excellent trainers and deliver the same high-quality content.
How can I prepare if I am taking an online course?
You need to install the latest version of PowerPoint and ensure you have the appropriate license to use it.
The browser you use is very important. It is recommended you use Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. The latest version must also be installed. Note that Internet Explorer is not compatible with our delivery technologies.
Windows 10 is highly recommended as the operating system you use. If you are using an apple device, use Safari or a similar modern browser if you cannot use any of the browsers recommended above. Your training experience may diminish due to different features and appearances. Nexacu's trainers are unable to provide detailed guidance for macOS.
To download and unzip files, log in to your student portal. Click on the "Materials" tab and download your exercise files.
Extract your Exercise Files to the specified folder below. Note you will have to create this folder first.
PowerPoint Level 1 Course Details

PowerPoint Level 2 Course Details

PowerPoint Course Outlines
MO-300 PowerPoint Certification
Digital Literacy Certification
Skills Test