Microsoft Power BI DAX Training Course
Learn the fundamentals of DAX on our One-Day Course - login from home
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Power BI is a powerful tool, and in order to take your modeling ability to the next level it's essential to have a solid understanding of the DAX language. While it's possible to achieve a lot without DAX knowledge, delving into this language will unlock a whole new level of capabilities and insights. Our comprehensive one-day course builds on the knowledge our students have already learnt through the beginner, intermediate, and advanced Power Bi courses, and introduces key concepts of DAX as well as guiding them through practical exercises on how to write DAX formulas. You will learn:
- To write DAX functions and understand expressions
- Use tools to help manage and create DAX
- Create complex expressions
- Learn methods to optimise expressions and more.
Microsoft Power BI DAX Training Course
Learn Power BI DAX from our experienced trainers. Login remotely or attend our CBD locations nationwide.
Power BI DAX Course Details

Power BI DAX Course Details

Power BI DAX Course Details

Power BI DAX Course Details

Power BI DAX Course Details

Power BI DAX Course Details

Power BI DAX Course Details

Power BI DAX Course Details

Power BI DAX Course Details

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What do I need to know to attend?
- Use Power BI Desktop proficiently to source / model data and create basic tables, columns and measures with DAX
- Understanding the basic concepts of data modelling and how to perform related tasks in Power BI
- Have good general knowledge of simple DAX and understand the evaluation contexts (row, filter, context transition etc.)
- Advanced Excel skills is desired, knowledge of programming / scripting concepts will be an advantage
- Students should have attended our Power BI Advanced course.
Power BI DAX Learning Outcomes
- Write expressions more confidently using DAX
- Work with a wider range of DAX functions
- Make use of tools to compliment creating and managing DAX
- Create more complex expressions using methods to build and prove an outcome
- Appreciate the concepts of data model and expression performance
- Use techniques to optimise an expression for better efficiency
Power BI DAX Course Content
- Course Introduction
- What is DAX
- DAX Functions
- DAX Contexts
- What is Vertipaq
- DAX efficiency
- DAX references
- DAX best practices
- Recap of Contexts
- Introduction to Contexts
- Recap of DAX Contexts
- The Row Context
- The Filter Context
- Measures and Calculated Columns
- Dataset for exercises – Computer Store sales
- Filter and Row Context in a measure
- The CALCULATE function
- Context Transition
- Filter Expressions of CALCULATE
- Rules of Evaluation
- Contexts in Calculated Columns
- Introduction to Columns
- Row Context in Calculated Columns
- Filter Context in Calculated Columns
- Relationships in Row Contexts
- The RELATED function
- The RELATEDTABLE function
- Using RELATEDTABLE in a column
- CALCULATED in row contexts
- Row to Filter Context
- Transformation Whiteboard
- Exercise on row to filter contexts
- Duplicates in the transformation
- The LOOKUPVALUE function
- Row Contexts in Measures
- Introduction to Row Contexts
- Row Contexts in Measures
- Simple iterator in a measure
- Row Context and a related table
- Some more calculations exercise
- Re-using measures
- Implicit CALCULATE in a measure
- An alternative approach using variables
- Functions and FILTER
- Introduction to DAX functions
- Time Intelligence functions
- Date (Dimension) tables
- Using in-built TOTALYTD
- Date modifier functions
- Using date modifier DATESBETWEEN
- Using date modifier DATESYTD
- The magic behind Date Table functions
- The case for simplicity – MAX or LASTDATE
- Understanding the FILTER function
- Contexts in the FILTER function
- The filter context in functions
- Naked column references
- Simple filter expression
- Comparing a value in the filter context
- Adding another filter condition
- The value of VALUES
- Table Functions
- Introduction to Table functions
- Summarising tables
- Using SUMMARIZE alone
- The problem with SUMMARIZE
- Using SUMMARIZECOLUMNS as a better alternative
- A summary table in a measure
- Practical DAX
- Introduction to DAX calculations
- Comparing functions – min/max and time intelligence
- Debugging with DAX
- Alternative patterns
- The Quick Measure version
- The KEEPFILTERS function
- The TREATAS function
- A few ORs or TREATAS
- Using TREATAS for virtual relationships
- DAX Tools
- Use of third party tools
- Introducing DAX Studio
- What is DAX Studio
- Download and Install DAX Studio
- The DAX Studio Interface
- How DAX Studio connects to the data
- Viewing data model information
- Creating a table query
- Ordering a query result
- A query returning a scalar
- Defining a Measure
- Declaring a variable
- Incoming filter context
- DAX Performance
- Introduction to DAX Performance
- The basics of the Vertipaq engine
- Where is Vertipaq
- A database of columns
- Compression of a column
- Identifying column compression
- Understanding the TABLE_ID column
- Power Query data statistics
- Data Model Normalisation
- Introduction to the Query Plan
- Overview of the engines
- The Formula Engine
- The Storage Engine
- Capturing a query
- Special process to capture Power BI queries
- Re-loading Power BI visuals
- Understanding the query information from the capture
- DAX Optimisation
- Introduction to optimising DAX
- Clear the Cache
- Server Timings
- Explaining the Server Timings
- Steps to improve performance
- Redefine a measure
- The datacache
- Optimisation by the Vertipaq engine
- The CallBackDataID function
- Reducing CallBackDataID instances
- Optimising a Query in the Storage Engine
- Viewing the Query Plan
- Comparing two statistical functions
- Extended Topics:
- Table Joins
- Introduction to Table Joins
- The Inner Join
- A join on unrelated tables – TREATAS
- The Outer Join
- The Cross Join Using
- GENERATE for Joins
- Nested Row Context
- Introduction to Nested Rows
- How Nested Rows work
- The EARLIER function
- The EARLIEST function
- Create a nested row in a column
- How to avoid complex nesting expressions
- Using variables to store values before nesting
- Avoid iterators where possible
- Further improve the efficiency of an expression
- Ranking
- Introduction to Ranking
- Arguments in RANKX
- Create a calculated column for ranking
- Sort order of ranking
- Definitions when ranking ties
- Breaking Ties Manually
- Creating a measure for ranking
- Adjustments to make the RANKX measure work